An Archival System

Ribbons or smth will go here, we like pretty pixel graphics.

Sup? We go collectively by Archival or Martin - the name the system decided on for public/non-plural spaces. As far as pronouns he/they is fine; the body is intersex & has been on masculinising hormones for about 8 years. We're bodily 35, engaged to our wonderful partner system, The SelfLove System. Diagnosed with a myriad of things, primarily AuADHD, BPD, major depression, along with other things we prefer to keep private. As we get older we're also dealing with an increase in symptoms of our chronic pain disorders, & we strongly suspect we have contracted long COVID due to multiple times catching it. Guess that just comes with the whole working graveyard in a convenience store full-time, but we can go into that somewhere else.

We're still figuring out our identities in full, as we spent a full decade of our adulthood codependently enmeshed with someone who frankly deserved far better. Won't go into that as it's their story to tell, should they ever wish to. We're pretty sure quoigenic fits us best though, as while we have been professionally in treatment for trauma-based dissociative disorders, but because at the time our medical carers said they preferred not to put the diagnosis on paper because they "didn't want it to limit us", something we're mixed on how we feel about. Additionally there are some alters that definitely didn't form as a result of trauma, & we don't care how any plurals or systems formed because at the end of the day it's not our business.

Hosts? CORE? Huh???

The short version are that our Host(s) have a tie to the body that impacts certain things, but primarly it just reflects the attachment to the body these particular alters have. (That & obviously there are hosts for our subsystems too - we know not all systems have Host(s), but ours does!)

COREs are essentially a step down from hosts for us - frequent/main fronters, or alters who contribute too much to the system & body functions for us to go without. (HAL is a good example of this; he never fronts but is constently ensuring we're maintaining at least a baseline of needs met & can reach out to our partners when we need help.)