
These three are the hosts of our respective system & sub-systems. We do not anticipate this list having any additions or changes, but eh. You never know.


    Interact Prefs: No 18+ Content
    Age: 8
    Birthday: 08/29
    Height: 3'8"
    Gender: NonBinary
    Pronouns: They/Them
    Origin: The Self
    System Roles: Little; Positivity-Encourager
  • Lonely!Clo: The Lonely; TMA
  • CloGoat: Lop-Eared Skiddo-goat
  • CloPup: Living Plush Pup
  • Juniper: Feline (Anthro)
  • Lucky Leap: Spiderverse
  • Little Lucky: MLP:FIM
"'n I'll do it again! BAPBAP!"

Clover is a median subsystem as well as the primary host of Archival as a whole. We suspect that when our original host went dormant everything that was the root self reformed to try having the normal, healthy childhood we were never able to. They call their subsystem the Clover Collective. They're very sweet but a massive ball of energy; though thanks to Cat (host of SelfLove; adopted Clover) they have gotten very good at managing it. Almost always in good spirits, Clover is very difficult to upset. They live in a smaller section of the main fronting area, in what used to be a recording booth when Piers was still part of our system. [Link to image reference coming soon.]


    Interact Prefs: 18+ Is Fine
    Age: 20's
    Birthday: 08/29
    Height: 4'10"
    Pronouns: They'Them
    Gender: Agender
    Sexuality: AroAce
    Rel. Status: Polyam/Taken
    Origin: The Self
    System Roles: Calmer; Comforter
My Babies:
  • Coming: Soon
  • Coming: Soon
  • Coming: Soon
  • Coming: Soon
  • Coming: Soon
  • Coming: Soon

"Gimme a blunt 'n my plush collection 'n I'm copacetic."

Mota Data Here


    Interact Prefs: Minimal
    Age: 20's
    Birthday: Deciding
    Height: 5'4"
    Gender: Demifae
    Pronouns: She/Fae
    Origin: Lavendertowne's Drawing X as a Character Videos
    System Roles: Anxiety/Symptom/Trauma-Holder
  • name:
  • name:
  • name:
  • name:
  • name:
  • name:

"Uhm...I don't know what to put here..."

Bean herself rarely fronts, either in Archival as a whole or in her subsystem, The Warren. Prefers to let her alters front instead.